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Continuity and Monism

PF logo Pict 2 Continuity and Monism In today’s lesson we examined a variety of world views that share the aspect of continuity. What was the overwhelmingly dominant worldview confronted by God’s people in the Bible? What do we mean when we refer to continuity as a worldview? What is the opposite of continuity? Where do polytheism, pantheism, and monism fit into this worldview and how do they relate to each other? How was Eastern Pantheistic Monism adapted to the Western mindset in the New Age phenomenon? Who were some of the influential figures in this movement? In monism, how does one achieve enlightenment? What do we mean when we say that continuity is a “seller’s market?” Why are spirit guides so much a part of monism/continuity? (60 min)
Lesson 23: Review Questions
Lesson 23: Lesson Notes

Atheism and Naturalism

PF logo Pict 2 Atheism and Naturalism In this lesson we consider atheism and the worldview of naturalism. What is the difference between atheism and naturalism? What is atheism? Why is atheism not simply not believing in God? What is a precise definition of atheism? Why does the atheist bear a burden of proof for his or her assertion? What is wrong with the claim that you can’t prove a negative? What is naturalism? How did naturalism rise to its present prevalence in our culture’s outlook on reality? How did the Enlightenment contribute to a naturalistic worldview? How does a naturalistic worldview think about things like reality, knowledge, ethics, and humanness? (59 min)
Lesson 22: Review Questions
Lesson 22: Lesson Notes

Islam (part 2)

PF logo Pict 2 Islam (part 2) In this lesson we continue our consideration of the worldview of Islam by using James Sire’s eight worldview questions. How does Islam view the nature of humanness? What happens after death? What determines a person’s destiny at the judgment? How do people know anything? How do they view history? What are the five pillars of Islam and what are the six essential beliefs? How are Islam and Christianity similar? What are some of the crucial differences between Islam and Christianity? How can we a Christians respond to the Islamic worldview and effectively share Christ with Muslims? (60 min)
Lesson 21: Review Questions
Lesson 21: Lesson Notes
Handout: The Quran and the Bible