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Meet the Bible: Authorship, Inspiration, Canon

PF logo Pict 2 Meet the Bible: Authorship, Inspiration, Canon In this lesson we begin our module in which we consider the Bible as the authority for the Christian faith. Because the Bible is the source and foundation of Christianity, it is also a key point at which our faith is challenged and questioned. Many object to the claim that the Bible is God’s word, inspired by Him. Why do we believe the Bible is divinely inspired? What is the Bible’s self-attestation? What are the two different kinds of its self-attestation? What are other evidences of the Bible’s inspiration? How is inspiration often misunderstood? What is inspiration? What is canon, and what is its connection to the idea of covenant? What makes a book of the Bible canonical? Why is it important to distinguish between recognizing and making a book canonical? (75 min)
Lesson 30: Review Questions
Lesson 30: Lesson Notes