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The Spiritual Apologist

PF logo Pict 2 The Spiritual Apologist In our final introductory lesson we seek to understand our theme verse of 1 Peter 3:15 in the context of Peter’s entire letter. What does it mean to be “aliens and strangers” in the world? What role does the reality of Christian suffering play in Peter’s epistle? What theme runs through the epistle which contrasts with that of suffering? How do the ideas of suffering and hope reflect on our call to be ready to offer a defense of the faith? Why is the character of our lives an important part of our apologetic? What things can we be doing to develop the kind of character of which Peter speaks? What should we be exhibiting in the way we speak to and related to people when we are doing apologetics? (53 min)
Lesson 3: Review Questions
Lesson 3: Lesson Notes

Apology or Apologia

Note: Due to a difficulty, the audio of today's lesson (9/27/20) did not properly record. So this is the recording of last year's lesson on the same material. The linked handouts are from today.

PF logo Pict 2 Apology or Apologetics In this week's lesson we explore foundational issues about doing apologetics. Where does the term “apologetics” come from, and is it a helpful word to use? What does the passage in 1 Peter 3:15 tell us about two aspects of showing the credibility of our faith? What are some objections which some Christians have to doing and studying apologetics? What are some reasons for doing apologetics? What are some encouraging developments in the field of apologetics? Are faith and reason inherently at odds with each other? What are the limits of apologetics? (53 min)
Lesson 2: Review Questions
Lesson 2: Lesson Notes

Introductory Class

PF logo Pict 2 Introduction to the Persuasive Faith Class
In this first lesson of our one year series on Christian apologetics we talk about what our class is, what it’s not, why we call it Persuasive Faith, and lay out our general plan of attack, goals, etc.
Lesson 1: Lesson Notes
Book List on Apologetics
Syllabus 2020-21