Continuity and Monism
02/28/21 Filed in: Worldviews
Continuity and Monism In today’s lesson we examined a variety of world views that share the aspect of continuity. What was the overwhelmingly dominant worldview confronted by God’s people in the Bible? What do we mean when we refer to continuity as a worldview? What is the opposite of continuity? Where do polytheism, pantheism, and monism fit into this worldview and how do they relate to each other? How was Eastern Pantheistic Monism adapted to the Western mindset in the New Age phenomenon? Who were some of the influential figures in this movement? In monism, how does one achieve enlightenment? What do we mean when we say that continuity is a “seller’s market?” Why are spirit guides so much a part of monism/continuity? (60 min)
Lesson 23: Review Questions
Lesson 23: Lesson Notes
Lesson 23: Review Questions
Lesson 23: Lesson Notes